Saturday, March 24, 2012
I really wasn't planning to watch Oh-chan's drama, because I prefer to wait and download rather than stream. But I just happened to check freshverse and it was on, and I ended up watching it until the end. It's really funny, and I haven't been checking on the news relating the drama (I only knew about Ohno and Aragaki Yui, and ShoJun cameo-ing), so I was pleasantly surprised by the casting.

Sho appeared as Kageyama disguised as a fortune teller? XD I love how Meikyu Love Song started playing the moment he came into the scene.

One more cap, just because, well. It's Yama. ♥.

Jun's cameo made me laugh!

And. Riida is just all kinds of awesome in this drama, to me. How can one person be so cute. (>.<)
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