迷宮ラブソング PV + single
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The first time I heard "Meikyu Love Song", I thought, hmm, okay. And that was it. I didn't have a strongly negative reaction, like a lot of people on tumblr seem to, but I wasn't all flail-y and saying it's their best song ever, either. It was a very typically Arashi song to me. It sounded like something they'd sing, definitely. Then, because it happens to be in my playlist, I heard it again. And again. And again. And I realise that I've been singing or humming it to myself while working, while waiting in line, while in the elevator, etc. It's completely stuck in my head, and the more I listen to it, the fonder of it I become.
Like Salwa had said, it's the new "Love Rainbow". Since that's how I felt when the Love Rainbowsingle first came out, too.
As for the rest of the single - I had bought the LE, which includes the PV and a pretty awesome booklet, so - no regrets. Even if the RE is practically like a mini-album of sorts, with all the extra songs. (Anyway, I plan to buy the RE next time I'm in Japan, where it'll be cheaper than purchasing it here. This is one of those singles that are worth having in both versions.) I don't dislike the coupling song for the LE, "Kienu Omoi", but it didn't really wow me, either. I downloaded the RE to give the extra songs a listen, and together, forever is nicer than "Kienu Omoi", "Utakata" is so-so, while I absolutely loved the intro to "Wanna be".
And the PV. Oh, the PV. It's so epic. They haven't had a PV this awesome in awhile. I love the whole sugoroku game set up, and (sorry Sho-kun) Jun is just too pretty. Always. ^^
See? I really think he may be creeping back up to reclaim his place as ichiban. (Although could I say that he's an ex-ichiban if I wasn't an Arashian back when I liked MatsuJun?)
It's these little things that make me love the PV so.
[vid credit: ANJ]
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